Saturday, March 19, 2016

Orange Creamsicle-a Vitamin C Powerhouse?

My teeny glass...the sick boys in the house got big cups!
Does anyone remember those Orange Creamsicles you used to eat as a kid?  If you loved them, than you are in for a treat!

I've been on a kick to get my kid to eat better, and that includes more vegetables.  One great way to get him some veggies is to put them in his smoothie.  Now, this is an art form, I've learned, because you can hide a lot in a smoothie, but if its not done right my kid turns up his nose at it.  "It smells weird", "It taste funny", stuff like that.

As a result of these fails, I've been focusing on making smoothies in flavor profiles he likes.  Since I have changed my tactic, I have made an apple pie smoothie, a chocolate cherry smoothie, a carrot cake smoothie, and today's experiment, the orange creamsicle smoothie, that he LOVED!    I was so excited I thought I would share.

This smoothie is a Vitamin C powerhouse!  Great since the kid and hubby have been battling a bug this week.  It is high in manganese and very high in Vitamin A as well. It has NO dairy (bad for sniffles!), and no added sugar.

You will need a high-powered blender.  I used a VitaMix.  Also, you can use a frozen banana for a more frozen type of drink.  If the sugar is too much for you, omit the dates and replace with liquid stevia or nothing at all.

Orange Creamsicle Smoothie (3 servings)

2 cups water
2 oranges
1 banana
1 tsp Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C powder)
1/2 cup raw cashews
1 small knob fresh ginger
2 carrots
1 splash Vanilla Extract
4 dates
1 cup ice

Peel oranges, banana, and ginger.  Put all ingredients in the blender, blend, and serve.  Enjoy!

"Then God said, "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you;"  Gen 1:29

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