Monday, October 20, 2014


Day 28:  Today turned out to be an unusual day. This afternoon while I was still at work, the doorbell rang.  My husband went to answer it, and there stood a young man who was obviously drunk, high or something.  He was wobbling, slurring his words, and asked Danny if he could get a ride home....he just wanted to go home.  When he said no, the young man proceeded to stumble around, prance on our porch and our front yard, lay down in the grass, and eventually hopped into my mother's car!  By this time the police were there to assist this young man in his confusion.  For some reason, he was adamant that he was at a friend's house, and that my mother's car was his car.  He clearly was very, very lost.

I often note as I observe other people, be it on the news, in person, or from afar-how many are adamant that they know where they stand in this life?  Truth is not relative.  Our perspectives may be different, our perceptions may seem true for us, but in the end Truth is immutable.  No matter how hard we wish it, say it, or believe against it--it still is what it is.

So, how do we know who has the market on Truth?  Good question. In this age of soundbites we have every excuse to be completely led astray, and every opportunity to know better.  Seeking truth takes time, diligence, and research.  It takes an open mind, an honest assessment, the integrity to admit you were wrong, and a pure desire to understand.  Sometimes you may stumble upon it early on, but to be sure you must research it, study it, and confirm it.  Experiences and feelings are never good gauges, as they are so easily brought about.  Rationalizing things away to fit a model, desire, or ideal will certainly breed falsehoods.

I have always been one to have an insatiable curiosity and constant questions.  I certainly don't claim to have the market on the Truth.  It is because of this fact that I have taken on years of rigorous study, seeking, and learning, and continue to do so to confirm (or contradict if that is the case) what I have learned.  For a serious skeptic like myself, I had to have assurance in what my life's plumb line would be.

Today I have the greatest confidence that God-the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit-lives; I am more certain of this fact than I am of my own name because the evidence is there. I am sure many would debate me on this statement. I welcome a courteous, amicable conversation to discuss these things. I enjoy a civil discourse, and I appreciate the challenging questions-they make me dig deeper, question myself, and find more evidence for Truth, which in the end I hope makes me a better person. However, haters need not apply!  I have no desire to debate anyone, as I have found that counterproductive.  Truth is not a competition-it is a journey, a prize to be sought.  It won't be found based on who screams the loudest, has the most biting insults, exudes charisma, or has the best sales pitch.

The Truth is, proof of my God is statistically, scientifically, historically, prophetically, logically, mystically, and overwhelmingly reasonable and sound.  Most who believe otherwise likely have not done their homework or owned up to the obvious truths right in front of them. Many believe the sound bites. Others have built up animosity and hatred from years of hard life experience. Some of the greatest minds on earth have looked for every angle, or sought another road because it doesn't fit the model of their ideal.

In any case, Truth changes for no one.  Many are lost, and don't know it.

Please, God, bless!

"In their case, the god of this world has blinded the minds of those who do not believe to keep them from seeing the light of the glorious gospel of the Messiah, who is the image of God."  2 Co 4:4

Inspired by "365: A Daily Creativity Journal: Make Something Every Day and Change Your Life!" I decided I should be more conscientious of my creative side. I chose to modify this one year challenge (9/23/14-9/24/15) to create something each day that would also force me to focus my perspective on a Godly world-view.

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