I had a conversation with a coworker about a gentleman who was new to the organization, and immediately the folks that worked for him clamored to be his sage counsel. Unfortunately, he is now realizing things are not what they seemed, and the so-called experts he was relying on are really opportunists without the skills they claimed to have.
No, things are not always what they seem to be.
Please, God, bless!
"An open rebuke is better
than unspoken love.
Wounds from someone who loves are trustworthy,
but kisses from an enemy speak volumes." Prov 27:5-6
Inspired by "365: A Daily Creativity Journal: Make Something Every Day and Change Your Life!" I decided I should be more conscientious of my creative side. I chose to modify this one year challenge (9/23/14-9/24/15) to create something each day that would also force me to focus my perspective on a Godly world-view.
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