Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Day 50:  Have you thanked a Veteran today? Veteran's are the reason we are a free nation. A volunteer military force sworn to protect our nation, sacrificing their time, well-being, families, and sometimes their lives.

Thank a veteran, and pray for them, now more than ever. The times are challenging, the military restricted, and our enemies know no boundaries. Pray for protection, courage, and comfort.

Please, God, bless!

"I’ve commanded you, haven’t I? Be strong and courageous. Don’t be fearful or discouraged, because the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”  Josh 1:9 ISV 

Inspired by "365: A Daily Creativity Journal: Make Something Every Day and Change Your Life!" I decided I should be more conscientious of my creative side. I chose to modify this one year challenge (9/23/14-9/24/15) to create something each day that would also force me to focus my perspective on a Godly world-view.

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