Thursday, November 20, 2014

Inspired by Lewis

Day 59:  On my travel back home, I watched a documentary on one of my favorite authors, C.S. Lewis.  I love the Chronicles of Narnia, Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, The Problem of Pain, and many others.  One of the most important books I have ever read was A Grief Observed.  If you know anyone who is grieving the loss of someone dear to them, I highly recommend this book as as an honest account of the pain, emotion, volatility, and testing of one's faith caused by such mourning.

The thing I loved about Lewis' account, is that he was a staunch athiest.  His mother died when he was 9 yrs old.  He felt God didn't exist, and if He did, He was cruel.  He felt Christianity was illogical, a myth.  As a lifelong scholar, he read---alot.  Upon reading GK Chesterton and George MacDonald, he began to be prepared for an all-nighter with friends JR Tolkien and Hugo Dyson.  They debated the night away, discussing myths--and how all myths point to a common Truth.  As the stories distance from the source of history, it morphs to fit cultures, desires, and whims.  But overall, the underlying truth is there.  After discussing until past 3am, he became a believer in Jesus, and thus a defender of Christianity.  He would assert from this point on that it was not an intellectual leap to believe in Christ, and in fact it is logical, reasonable, and rationale to be a follower of Christ.  He was 33 at the time of his conversion.

Arguably, he is one of the most logical and pragmatic Christian writers of all times, and a brilliant man. God was able to convert and purpose a great skeptic!  Imagine what He can do with the willing!

Please, God, bless!

"If anyone thinks he can place confidence in the flesh, I have more reason to think so. Having been circumcised on the eighth day, I am of the nation of Israel, from the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews. As far as the Law is concerned, I was a Pharisee. As for my zeal, I was a persecutor of the church. As far as righteousness in the Law is concerned, I was blameless. But whatever things were assets to me, these I now consider a loss for the sake of the Messiah.What is more, I continue to consider all these things to be a loss for the sake of what is far more valuable, knowing the Messiah Jesus, my Lord. It is because of him that I have experienced the loss of all those things. Indeed, I consider them rubbish in order to gain the Messiah and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the Law, but one that comes through the faithfulness of the Messiah, the righteousness that comes from God and that depends on faith."  Phil 3:4b-9 ISV

Inspired by "365: A Daily Creativity Journal: Make Something Every Day and Change Your Life!" I decided I should be more conscientious of my creative side. I chose to modify this one year challenge (9/23/14-9/24/15) to create something each day that would also force me to focus my perspective on a Godly world-view.

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