Monday, June 1, 2015

The Owl

Day 252: As is often the case, I sat down at my drawing table with no clue what to doodle.  You wouldn't think it would be that hard, but after a long day, catching up on stuff at home, etc, I often draw a complete blank.  So, I poked around on my tablet and I came across this picture of an owl.

Owls are pretty interesting animals. Their feathers are such that they are very stealthy.  Unlike most birds, the can swoop in on their prey without a sound.  Imagine, one minute you're moseying along, and the next, you are caught up in a dangerous mess because you dared to step out into enemy territory.

I started thinking, isn't that how it is with the things that ensnare us?  Sin has a way of sneaking up on us.  We can be having a conversation that quickly turns into a vicious gossip-fest.  Or we can let our anger take us to unholy rage.  Peer pressure has gotten many kids to do something they know is wrong. Like, the owl, sin can be silent, swoops in, sinks its talons into us and then we are stuck trying to get out of its clutches.  Maybe that's why owls in so many cultures are symbols of bad luck, evil, and death.

Thank the Lord that when we get trapped in the grip of sin, Jesus forgives!

Please, God, bless!

"The evil deeds of the wicked ensnare them; the cords of their sins hold them fast."  Prov 5:22 NIV

Inspired by "365: A Daily Creativity Journal: Make Something Every Day and Change Your Life!" I decided I should be more conscientious of my creative side. I chose to modify this one year challenge (9/23/14-9/24/15) to create something each day that would also force me to focus my perspective on a Godly world-view.

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