Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Day 315:  Chatted today with my gal pal about new knives.  Gosh, they are so expensive!  I'm always one for a bargain, but if you get good knives they last far longer than the cheapy ones from your local department store.  And, they actually makes cooking more enjoyable because its easier--no fighting with your food!

Sometimes you really do get what you pay for.  Like the parable of the man who sold all he had to buy the field in which he hid a treasure, he knew the investment was worth the cost.  What is my investment in Christ?  What does being a follower of Jesus cost me?  Everything, really.  And, though becoming more prevalant, I'm not really talking about persecution.  I'm talking about my complete self. A continued deference to His will vice my own.  Pride so easily disguises itself as my rights, my will, my desires. It is so prevalant in this "selfie" generation.  More often than I like to admit, I fall into the mode of pride, and in what I think I deserve.  But, that is an ugly thing, and I feel its filth to the point where I end up on my knees repenting. The truth is, I don't deserved anything but death for my sin against a Holy God.  That may sound dramatic, but maybe that's because it is.

I like to describe it to children kind of like this.  God is a Holy God, and therefore cannot tolerate sin. Think of an operating room.  The room must be completely sterile.  The doctors must scrub and scrub, and be germ free.  The instruments must be germ free.  Why?  Because  one microscopic specimen can kill a patient. Sin is like that microscopic specimen.  One small bacteria, unseen by the human eye, taints the sterile environment.  One sin-no matter how small-would taint God's Holiness, And for His Glory and His Justice, He simply cannot allow that.

Yes, I think giving up my will, dying to myself is a huge price to pay...but is it worth it?  Absolutely.  God promises to fulfill the desires of my heart.  No, not everything I want...but everything an untainted heart longs for.  And really, isnt that what life is about?

Please, God, bless!

"“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field."  Matt 13:44

Inspired by "365: A Daily Creativity Journal: Make Something Every Day and Change Your Life!" I decided I should be more conscientious of my creative side. I chose to modify this one year challenge (9/23/14-9/24/15) to create something each day that would also force me to focus my perspective on a Godly world-view.

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